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The Journey to People-Based Measurement

Focus on true marketing impact: How to gain a truly holistic view of your customer

Do you have a clear perspective of the true impact of marketing on every sale?

As a marketer, it’s not enough to claim you’re delivering a great customer experience; you must also be able to prove that great experiences contribute to revenue. 

People-based measurement offers a way to achieve this – as a new way to understand how brand exposure impacts sales on an individual level. 

However, achieving this at scale when you have disparate online and offline data sets (spread across disconnected channels) isn’t easy. 

In this ebook we outline:
- How people based marketing enables a truly holistic view of customers, their journeys, and the impact of marketing at every touchpoint – both online and offline. 
- Why starting small is the fastest route to practical insights 
- When (and how) to scale up complexity while staying privacy conscious 
- How data lakes are going to change absolutely everything

Download the full eBook: